Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Easy Delicious Fried Tofu

tokwa recipeHere is one of the simplest recipe to cook. Even a 10 year old kid can surely cook this and it is very healthy. Tofu or tokwa is made from soy bean and soy bean is rich in vitamins and protein. So let's begin with the recipe.

fried tofu recipeIngredents:

  • Tokwa or Tofu
  • 2 cups of cooking oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Lemon
  • Garlic
1. Wash and slice tofu in square or cube shapes
2. Heat oil and fry tofu
3. Add the garlic once the tofu is almost golden brown.
4. Serve hot with chili and lemon.
5. See? it's easy. :)

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